Phone Number Update

Our regular phone line is down. Please call us using 864-585-0232 until further notice. You can also email us: or contact us through our PetDesk app.

Tooth Truth

Tooth Truth
Ashli Likes  |  Feb 1, 2022

Celebrating National Pet DENTAL HEALTH Month with 15% off!

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Office Policies Update

Dr. Glenn Adcock  |  Dec 16, 2021

Thank you to our patients for being flexible and understanding with our new office policies, which we spelled out in this earlier Office Procedures blog.

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Essential Care for Hunting Dogs

Essential Care for Hunting Dogs
Nov 4, 2021

Of all the tools in your hunting arsenal, your most valuable one (not to mention the most loyal and loving one) is your hunting dog. And whether you take him out to retrieve ducks or flush doves, your dog needs a little extra care to keep him happy and healthy on the hunt.

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Caring for Staff, So We Can Care for You

Caring for Staff, So We Can Care for You
Dr. Glenn Adcock  |  Apr 7, 2021

When the 2020 pandemic hit, we—like most people and businesses—were caught off guard and truly didn’t know what to expect. While we braced for a reduced client load, we (and most other veterinary practices) were surprised and then overwhelmed by the incredible increase in clients! And while we are g

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Use CareCredit to Finance Vet Visits

Use CareCredit to Finance Vet Visits
Jan Easler  |  Mar 2, 2021

When you’re a pet owner, you rarely can predict when you might have a large vet bill. As with people, cats and dogs can have accidents, become unexpectedly ill, or suffer from long-term diseases. The medical expenses for these visits to the veterinarian can often catch pet owners by surprise.

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Love your vet team? Here’s how to show it. <3

Love your vet team? Here’s how to show it. <3
Cayce Adcock  |  Feb 7, 2021

February is, of course, the month of love. This year especially—with the added stressors of the pandemic and an increased workload—your veterinarians and vet clinic staff would appreciate extra acts and words of love from clients. Here are a few ways you can show your love for the care

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Office Policies and Procedures Updates

Dr. Glenn Adcock  |  Mar 30, 2020

As we all try and navigate these uncharted waters, we wanted to give you some updates regarding our office policies and procedures. We have made several changes so that we can continue to serve you and your pets AND minimize the risk associated with exposure to you and ourselves.

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Are Licks the Same as Kisses, and Other Questions About Doggie Emotions

Are Licks the Same as Kisses, and Other Questions About Doggie Emotions
Dr. Glenn Adcock  |  Feb 12, 2019

Our dogs might be our best friends and beloved family members, but that doesn’t mean we always understand them. While some of their behaviors are pretty easy to interpret – tail wagging for happiness, scratching at the door to go outside – others can leave us wondering. This Valentine’s Day

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