Phone Number Update

Our regular phone line is down. Please call us using 864-585-0232 until further notice. You can also email us: or contact us through our PetDesk app.

Tooth Truth

Tooth Truth
Ashli Likes  |  Feb 1, 2022

Celebrating National Pet DENTAL HEALTH Month with 15% off!

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Office Policies and Procedures Updates

Dr. Glenn Adcock  |  Mar 30, 2020

As we all try and navigate these uncharted waters, we wanted to give you some updates regarding our office policies and procedures. We have made several changes so that we can continue to serve you and your pets AND minimize the risk associated with exposure to you and ourselves.

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Think You Need to Put Your Pet on a Diet? We Can Help

Think You Need to Put Your Pet on a Diet? We Can Help
Dr. Glenn Adcock  |  Feb 5, 2019

It is important to help your pets maintain a healthy weight for all the same reasons it is important for people to do so. Being overweight or obese puts your dog or cat at higher risk for certain types of disease, including diabetes.

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Does My Pet Need to Go Organic or Non-GMO?

Does My Pet Need to Go Organic or Non-GMO?
Nov 20, 2018

As we improve our understanding of nutrition and the links between what we put into our bodies and that connection to overall health, it’s only natural that pet owners have increasingly turned their attention to what they feed their dogs and cats. 

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How (and why) to help your cat lose weight

How (and why) to help your cat lose weight
Mar 26, 2018

Your cat’s rotund belly and expansive way of sprawling across the couch cushions may seem adorable, but it’s important for you as a cat owner to realize that fat cats are usually not healthy cats.

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Does my pet need grain-free food?

Does my pet need grain-free food?
Mar 12, 2018

Food trends, food research and food information shared via social media seems to be growing every day. With all the “do eat this” and “don’t eat that” advice out there, it’s easy to find conflicting information and get overwhelmed.

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In Praise of the Can: A shift in vet-recommended cat food

In Praise of the Can: A shift in vet-recommended cat food
Jul 24, 2017

As veterinarians, we handle these questions all the time. But it turns out, we haven’t always answered them correctly. Years ago, we (and by we, I mean the veterinarians)

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Tips for Holiday Pet Care

Tips for Holiday Pet Care
Dr. Glenn Adcock  |  Dec 18, 2016

The holidays are in full swing, and that means it’s a busy time for everyone. Shopping, travel and parties are at the forefront of everyone’s plans, and many of us like to include our pets in those plans. Taking a few precautions can help ensure the holidays are warm and fun for everyone

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