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A Grateful List

Nov 20, 2017
A Grateful List

Thanksgiving offers us all the time to sit down and remember all the things we’re thankful for. At Pine Street Animal Hospital, our list seems to grow each year. We thought we’d share with you, our clients and friends, what we’re saying “thanks” for during this holiday season.

  1. The love of our furry friends. If we’re being completely honest, sometimes the people around us are the ones who can drive us the craziest. But that rarely happens with our pets. An enthusiastic “welcome home!” from our dog, or a warm lap snuggle from the cat, can improve any day almost instantly. And that feeling is not just emotional – pets improve our physical health as well. Research proves it!
  2. The companionship of a dog. While Dr. Adcock enjoys hunting, his dogs Buster and Maebelle never took to it. Maebelle will trail a deer, but otherwise, both pups are more likely to be on the couch than in a field. But somehow, that’s OK – they play an important role as floor cleaners, door greeters, and buddies. We’re thankful for that… even if Dr. Adcock might be asking Santa for a good hunting retriever this year.
  3.  Wonderful clients and rescue organizations. 2017 has been a fantastic year here at Pine Street Animal Hospital, which is entirely because of our great clients. We never take for granted the trust you give us to care for your beloved pets. And we’ve had an especially wonderful year partnering with the area’s many rescue organizations to get foster and adoption pets ready for their new homes.
  4. Our growing families. As you may have heard, Dr. Adcock and his wife, Cayce, had triplet babies last year, Elizabeth, Sawyer and Sterling. Thanks to the caring doctors and nurses at Maternal Fetal Medicine of Spartanburg Regional, the triplets are doing well. At age 1, they were the 2017 Ambassadors for the Spartanburg Signature Chef Auction, which supports the March of Dimes. Our family is so grateful to everyone who helped us have three healthy, growing and active babies! (We’re also thankful when they sleep).

We hope your list of things to be thankful for this year is long and growing. And we hope your Thanksgiving is a fun and festive celebration of all that is good. From our clinic family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!

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